{# ThemeWare styles and stylesheets #}
{# TODO: Blöcke prüfen... #}
{# ---------------- START: SET TEMPLATE VARS ---------------- #}
{# ThemeWare: Set theme variables #}
{% set twtAdditionalCssFile = theme_config('twt-additional-css-file') %}
{% set twtAdditionalCssFileLoad = theme_config('twt-additional-css-file-load') %}
{% set twtBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-background-image') %}
{% set twtBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-background-image-show') %}
{% set twtCustomCss = theme_config('twt-custom-css') %}
{% set twtCustomCssCode = theme_config('twt-custom-css-code') %}
{% set twtExpertMode = theme_config('twt-expert-mode') %}
{% set twtFooterBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-footer-background-image') %}
{% set twtFooterBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-footer-background-image-show') %}
{% set twtFooterBottomBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-footer-bottom-background-image') %}
{% set twtFooterBottomBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-footer-bottom-background-image-show') %}
{% set twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-footer-lower-section-background-image') %}
{% set twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-footer-lower-section-background-image-show') %}
{% set twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-footer-main-section-background-image') %}
{% set twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-footer-main-section-background-image-show') %}
{% set twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-footer-upper-section-background-image') %}
{% set twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-footer-upper-section-background-image-show') %}
{% set twtHeaderBackgroundImage = theme_config('twt-header-background-image') %}
{% set twtHeaderBackgroundImageShow = theme_config('twt-header-background-image-show') %}
{# Debug mode: Overwrite expert mode #}
{% if config('TcinnThemeWareLiving.config.debugMode') is not empty and config('TcinnThemeWareLiving.config.debugMode') == 'true' %}
{% set twtExpertMode = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# ---------------- END: SET TEMPLATE VARS ---------------- #}
{# ThemeWare: Add styles and stylesheets to <head> #}
{% block twt_layout_head_style %}
{# ThemeWare: CSS-Datei egänzen. #}
{% if twtAdditionalCssFile and twtAdditionalCssFileLoad == 2 and twtExpertMode == 2 %}
<!-- Custom css file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ twtAdditionalCssFile }}" crossorigin="anonymous">
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Hintergrundbilder ergänzen. #}
{# Todo: Add if to avoid an empty tag #}
{% if twtBackgroundImageShow == 2 or
twtHeaderBackgroundImageShow == 2 or
twtFooterBackgroundImageShow == 2 or
twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImageShow == 2 or
twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImageShow == 2 or
twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImageShow == 2 or
twtFooterBottomBackgroundImageShow == 2 %}
<!-- Theme styles -->
<style>{% apply spaceless %}
{# ThemeWare: Add background image #}
{% if twtBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtBackgroundImage != "" and twtBackgroundImage != "none" %}
body{background-image:url({{ twtBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add header background image #}
{% if twtHeaderBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtHeaderBackgroundImage != "" and twtHeaderBackgroundImage != "none" %}
header.header-main{background-image:url({{ twtHeaderBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add footer background image #}
{% if twtFooterBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtFooterBackgroundImage != "" and twtFooterBackgroundImage != "none" %}
footer.footer-main{background-image:url({{ twtFooterBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add background image to footer upper section #}
{% if twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImage != "" and twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImage != "none" %}
#footerColumnsTop{background-image:url({{ twtFooterUpperSectionBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add background image to footer main section #}
{% if twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImage != "" and twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImage != "none" %}
#footerColumns{background-image:url({{ twtFooterMainSectionBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add background image to footer lower section #}
{% if twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImage != "" and twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImage != "none" %}
#footerColumnsBottom{background-image:url({{ twtFooterLowerSectionBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add background image to footer bottom #}
{% if twtFooterBottomBackgroundImageShow == 2 and twtFooterBottomBackgroundImage != "" and twtFooterBottomBackgroundImage != "none" %}
footer.footer-main .footer-bottom{background-image:url({{ twtFooterBottomBackgroundImage|sw_encode_url }});}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}</style>
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: CSS-Code per Textbaustein ergänzen. (v1) @deprecated #}
{% set twtSnippetCssCode = "twt.custom.css"|trans|raw %}
{% if twtCustomCss == 2 and twtSnippetCssCode is not empty and twtExpertMode == 2 %}
<!-- Custom css code (old) -->
<style>{% apply spaceless %}
{{ twtSnippetCssCode }}
{% endapply %}</style>
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: CSS-Code per Theme-Konfiguration ergänzen. (v2) #}
{% if twtCustomCssCode and twtCustomCssCode is not empty and twtExpertMode == 2 %}
<!-- Custom css code -->
<style>{% apply spaceless %}
{{ twtCustomCssCode|raw }}
{% endapply %}</style>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}