{# ThemeWare "USP bar" (Extension container) #}
Create container and include the USPs
type: header/footer
{# TODO: Blöcke prüfen... #}
{# ---------------- START: SET TEMPLATE VARS ---------------- #}
{# ThemeWare: Set theme variables #}
{% set twtUspBarHeaderLayout = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-header-layout') %}
{% set twtUspBarFooterLayout = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-footer-layout') %}
{% set twtUspBarWidgetContent = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-widget-content') %}
{% set twtUspBarBreakpointItem1 = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-breakpoint-item-1') %}
{% set twtUspBarBreakpointItem2 = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-breakpoint-item-2') %}
{% set twtUspBarBreakpointItem3 = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-breakpoint-item-3') %}
{% set twtUspBarBreakpointItem4 = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-breakpoint-item-4') %}
{% set twtUspBarBreakpointItem5 = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-breakpoint-item-5') %}
{% set twtUspBarBreakpointItem6 = theme_config('twt-usp-bar-breakpoint-item-6') %}
{# ThemeWare: Set layout and style for use in css classes #}
{% set style = 0 %}
{% set layout = 0 %}
{# Header #}
{% if type == "header" %}
{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout == "1" %} {# Small icons #}
{% set style = "small" %}
{% set layout = "1" %}
{% endif %}
{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout == "2" %} {# Small icons + Top bar #}
{% set style = "small" %}
{% set layout = "2" %}
{% endif %}
{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout == "3" %} {# Small icons + Widget #}
{% set style = "small" %}
{% set layout = "3" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Footer #}
{% if type == "footer" %}
{% if twtUspBarFooterLayout == "1" %} {# Small icons #}
{% set style = "small" %}
{% set layout = "1" %}
{% endif %}
{% if twtUspBarFooterLayout == "2" %} {# Large icons #}
{% set style = "large" %}
{% set layout = "2" %}
{% endif %}
{% if twtUspBarFooterLayout == "3" %} {# Large icons with subtitles #}
{% set style = "large" %}
{% set layout = "3" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Count visible USPs #}
{% set items = 0 %}
{# USP bar item 1 #}
{% if twtUspBarBreakpointItem1 > 1 %}
{% set items = items + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# USP bar item 2 #}
{% if twtUspBarBreakpointItem2 > 1 %}
{% set items = items + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# USP bar item 3 #}
{% if twtUspBarBreakpointItem3 > 1 %}
{% set items = items + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# USP bar item 4 #}
{% if twtUspBarBreakpointItem4 > 1 %}
{% set items = items + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# USP bar item 5 #}
{% if twtUspBarBreakpointItem5 > 1 %}
{% set items = items + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# USP bar item 6 #}
{% if twtUspBarBreakpointItem6 > 1 %}
{% set items = items + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{# ---------------- END: SET TEMPLATE VARS ---------------- #}
{% block twt_usp_bar %}
{# ThemeWare: USP in Header and Footer #customHeader #}
<section class="twt-usp-bar is-{% if type %}{{ type }}{% endif %} is-{{ style }} layout-{{ layout }}{% if alignment %} {{ alignment }}{% endif %}{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout != 1 and type == "header" %} has-widget{% endif %}" data-twt-usps="{{ items }}">
{% block twt_usp_bar_container %}
<div class="twt-usp-bar-container">
<div class="twt-usp-bar-items{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout != 1 and type == "header" %} col{% endif %}">
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/themeware/includes/twt-usp-bar-include.html.twig' ignore missing with {
type: type
} %}
{# ThemeWare: Add Top bar to usp bar when usp bar layout (twt-usp-bar-header-layout) is "USP bar + Top bar" (2) #}
{# TODO: Check if a parameter should be used in the top-bar.html.twig #}
{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout == 2 and type == "header" %}
<div class="twt-widget is-top-bar col-auto d-none d-lg-flex">
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/top-bar.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
{# ThemeWare: Add widget to USP bar when usp bar layout (twt-usp-bar-header-layout) is "USP bar + Widget" (3) #}
{% if twtUspBarHeaderLayout == 3 and type == "header" %}
<div class="twt-widget is-widget col-auto d-none d-lg-flex">
{% if twtUspBarWidgetContent == "communities" %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/themeware/widgets/twt-communities-include.html.twig' ignore missing with {
type: 'usp-bar'
} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}